Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Farm to fridge to garbage can

I worry about wasting scraps of food, let alone large quantities. The title link will take you to an article on food waste. If food is rotting, you are throwing food out, etc, start to think of the money you are throwing away instead of the food. Would you throw dollar bills in the trash? At least if you are composting, you will get a lovely garden additive for free.

I like to make my own stock, here is my recipe:
In a freezer ziplock, stored in the freezer, collect trimmings over a period of time:
Root tips of carrots
Non-root ends and peels of onion
Leafy tips of celery
Other trimmings from non-cruciferous vegetables

Once the gallon ziploc fills up, dump it in your largest stockpot.
2 cloves garlic
2 bay leaves
Herbs, whatever you have--I like parsley or basil

I use a 12 quart pot and fill water to 10 qt level. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 1 hour. Let cool in pot.

Put colander over large bowl(s) and dump pot. Compost cooked trimmings. You will have about 8 quarts of fragrant delicious stock. This would sell for $20 or more in the store! I usually use this for rice, soup, etc. I use some and freeze some.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim,
    Thanks for the motivational talk you gave to PENT on Saturday. So many people expressed how thrilled they were with the things they learned from you! I told a friend who couldn't attend our meeting about you and she found went on the web and found your your influence is rippling outward! I enjoyed our after-meeting chat.
    Donna S
